Exile Nominates Writers for the 2020 Pushcart Award

Between small presses Exile Quarterly and Exile Editions 12 submissions are eligible.

Exile Editions:

  1. “Ghost Walk” by Gerald Silliker Pisim Maskwa (from Bawaajigan: Stories of Power)
  2. “Melinda Irene and Madame Bouvé” by Yugcetun Anderson (from Bawaajigan: Stories of Power)
  3. “Elevator Shoes” by Priscila Uppal (from Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology Series, Book Eight)
  4. “Your Failing Heart.” by Christine Miscione (from Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology Series, Book Eight)
  5. “The Light in the Closet” by Leanne Milech (from Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology Series, Book Eight)
  6. “My Uncle, My Barbecue Chicken Deliveryman” by Mark Paterson (from Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology Series, Book Eight)

Exile Quarterly:

  1. Blue: Three Sonnets to Mary (after GMH) by Sue Sorensen (Poetry from Exile Quarterly 42.2)
  2. “The Bulbous It With No Eyelids” by William John Wither (Short story from Exile Quarterly 42.2)
  3. “Damned Little Dog” by Joyce Carol Oates (Short story from Exile Quarterly 42.4)
  4. The Daybreakers by Michael Fraser (Poetry from Exile Quarterly 42.3)
  5. “The Black Moleskins” by Rex Pickett (Novel excerpt from Exile Quarterly 43.1)
  6. Seven Poems by Beth Goobie (Poetry from Exile Quarterly 43.1)