
Your patronage is welcome and vital to fueling creative excellence, encouraging diverse voices, promoting free speech, and creating a vibrant culture and cultural experience through advancing engagement in the literary and visual arts across Canada.

We have four options for you to make a donation (a charitable tax receipt will be provided at all levels of donation):

1. We recommend: CanadaHelps (a charitable organization that facilitates safe and secure transactions on behalf of charitable organizations) for a one-time donation, or a monthly plan, by way of Credit Card, PayPal, or Gift Card — click on the “Donate Now” button to start:

Donate Now Through

(donation note: if you intend to make a contribution of more than $1,000 we ask that you consider making it by way of the following cheque/option 3, or e-transfer/option 4, so we avoid the “3.5% handling commission” charged by online services.)

2. The “Select Payment Method” Form below is a safe and secure way to donate through PayPal with your account, or linked Debit Card, or by Credit Cards (no PayPal account required for credit card options). It is for a one-time payment only – no monthly installments available. Select the “Online” payment option below, then complete the form with your personal data, and click “Donate Now” to complete the transaction.

3. The “Select Payment Method” Form below is a safe and secure way to donate with a Cheque/Money Order/Bank Draft, mailed to us. (Complete the form with your personal data, and click “Donate Now” to complete the transaction – but you must mail your cheque/money order/bank draft along with a printout of the personal information form, to: The Excelsis Group, 170 Wellington Street W., PO Box 308, Mount Forest ON, N0G 2L0.)

Important: To receive a tax receipt for options 2 or 3 you must include on the form your name, address, and email, along with entering your donation amount, prior to clicking on “Donate Now.”

4. E-transfer: contact us first at for details.

For more information or any questions, email us at:

Charitable Registration Number: 77789 7521 RR0001


To donate with
PayPal/Debit Card/Credit Cards (select Payment Method “PayPal”)
Cheque/Money Order/Bank Draft (select Payment Method “Offline”)
use the online-fillable Form below.

Please choose a preset amount, or enter an amount that is comfortable for you.

All donors recognized as a “Hug” through “Excelsior!” will be acknowledged in our website. All donors recognized as a “Supporter” through “Excelsior!” will be acknowledged once a year in a special acknowledgement page in EXILE Quarterly.

Levels of Support:
$50 – Hug
$100 – Friend
$250 – Booster
$1,000 – Supporter
$2,500 – Sustaining
$5,000 – Leadership
$10,000 – Principal
$15,000 – Excelsior!
(A charitable tax receipt will be provided at all levels of donation.)

Select Payment Method
Log In to Your Account (optional)

Billing Details


Donation Total: $500.00